Kamis, 29 September 2011

King Abdullah launches SR80 billion Haram expansion project


Published: Aug 20, 2011 01:13 Updated: Aug 20, 2011 15:53

MAKKAH: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah on Friday launched the largest expansion of the Grand Mosque in history, which will increase the mosque's capacity to more than 2.5 million worshippers and cost SR80 billion.

Before laying the foundation for the new expansion, King Abdullah inspected models of the expansion project as well as other development projects implemented in Makkah and other holy sites.

King Abdullah dedicated the new expansion to the Islamic world.

Finance Minister Ibrahim Al-Assaf announced the new expansion project would cost SR80 billion, which would include the money required to pay compensation to owners of real estates appropriated for the project.

Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal commended King Abdullah’s endeavors to develop the two holy mosques and said Muslims all over the Islamic world appreciate these efforts and holds the king in high esteem.

Saleh Al-Hosain, head of the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques, praised experts at Saudi universities for preparing the best, environment-friendly designs for the expansion while incorporating high safety standards.

“As King Abdullah wished, the whole Islamic world would be proud of the new expansion project,” Al-Hosain said.

A documentary screened during the ceremony said the expansion’s main gate would be named after King Abdullah and will have two minarets, bringing the mosque’s total number of minarets to 11.

The new project, covering 400,000 sq. meters in the northwest and northeast of the mosque, is the project of the century, said Muhammad Al-Khozaim, vice president of the Presidency for the Two Holy Mosques Affairs.

Al-Khozaim disclosed plans to expand the mataf (the circumambulation areas around the Holy Kaaba) and provide air-conditioning for all parts of the Grand Mosque, adding that the two schemes would be carried out shortly along with the new Haram expansion project.

Abdul Mohsen Bin Humaid, director of projects, said the new project would be completed in a year and a half.

According to informed sources, the total area of the existing Haram Mosque is 356,000 sq. meters accommodating 770,000 worshippers while the new expansion covering an area of 456,000 sq. meters will accommodate 1.2 million faithful.

The new project will comprise three parts: construction of a new building; expansion and development of courtyards around the mosque, including walkways, tunnels and toilets; and development of service facilities for air-conditioning, electricity and drinking water.

A 1,200-meter tunnel will be constructed from the end of the expansion passing through Jabal Hindi while another tunnel with a length of 1,100 meters will be built under Jabal Madafie. An emergency 700-meter tunnel crossing the other two tunnels will be constructed from Jabal Al-Kaaba.

King Abdullah also inaugurated the Makkah Tower Clock, considered the largest in the world; the Makkah Time, the newly expanded masaa (the running course between Safa and Marwa); the King Abdul Aziz endowment towers; the Jamrat Bridge complex in Mina; and the Mashair Railway linking the holy sites of Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifa as well as the sunshades around the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah by pressing buttons.

Makkah Mayor Osama Al-Bar said the new projects launched by King Abdullah would boost business in Makkah and help the holy city attract new investments worth SR100 billion.

"Every SR1 billion spent by the government would encourage the private sector to invest an additional SR5 billion. This way the public investment would have a multiple effect on the economy," the mayor said.

Nawaf Al-Jowharji, a member of Makkah Provincial Council, described the King Abdul Aziz endowment towers as one of the largest real estate projects in the Kingdom, adding that it would help accommodate about 50,000 pilgrims and visitors.

Economist Aabid Al-Abdali of Umm Al-Qura University said the spending of SR40 billion, which is given to owners of real estate properties appropriated for the expansion project, would trigger an unprecedented economic boom in the holy city.

He estimated Makkah's gross domestic product at SR123 billion. "The volume of spending on Makkah projects equals one third of the whole economy," he pointed out. He said the multiple effect of government spending in new projects would generate SR133 billion.

Maher Jamal, a member of the Makkah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, spoke about the increasing flow of investment to Makkah, especially from Saudis. He estimated total investments in the ongoing development projects in Makkah at SR100 billion.

Yousuf Al-Ahmadi, director of Afkar Development Company, underscored King Abdullah’s efforts for the development of the two holy mosques and welfare of pilgrims. “Development of the two holy mosques is the king’s main agenda,” he told Arab News.


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Raja Abdullah meluncurkan SR80 milyar proyek perluasan Masjidil Haram

MAKKAH: Penjaga Dua Masjid Suci Raja Abdullah pada Jumat meluncurkan ekspansi terbesar dari Masjidil Haram dalam sejarah, yang akan meningkatkan kapasitas masjid menjadi lebih dari 2,5 juta jamaah dan biaya SR80 miliar.

Sebelum meletakkan dasar untuk ekspansi baru, Raja Abdullah memeriksa model proyek perluasan serta proyek pembangunan lainnya dilaksanakan di Makkah dan tempat-tempat suci lainnya.

Raja Abdullah didedikasikan ekspansi baru ke dunia Islam.

Menteri Keuangan Ibrahim Al-Assaf mengumumkan proyek ekspansi baru akan biaya SR80 miliar, yang akan mencakup uang yang dibutuhkan untuk membayar kompensasi kepada pemilik real estat dialokasikan untuk proyek tersebut.
Gubernur Makkah Pangeran Khaled Al-Faisal upaya memuji Raja Abdullah untuk mengembangkan dua masjid suci dan mengatakan umat Islam di seluruh dunia Islam menghargai upaya dan memegang raja di harga tinggi.

Saleh Al-Hosain, kepala Presidensi Dua Masjid Suci, memuji para ahli di universitas Saudi untuk mempersiapkan yang terbaik, ramah lingkungan desain untuk ekspansi sedangkan menggabungkan standar keselamatan yang tinggi.

"Sebagai Raja Abdullah berharap, seluruh dunia Islam akan bangga proyek ekspansi baru," kata Al-Hosain.

Sebuah dokumenter diputar selama upacara mengatakan gerbang utama ekspansi itu akan diberi nama setelah Raja Abdullah dan akan memiliki dua menara, membawa jumlah masjid menara sampai 11.

Proyek baru, yang meliputi 400.000 persegi meter di barat laut dan timur laut masjid, adalah proyek abad ini, kata Muhammad Al-Khozaim, wakil presiden Kepresidenan untuk Urusan Dua Masjid Suci.

 Al-Khozaim diungkapkan berencana untuk memperluas mataf (area berkeliling di sekitar Ka'bah Kudus) dan menyediakan AC untuk semua bagian dari Masjid Agung, menambahkan bahwa kedua skema akan dilaksanakan segera bersama dengan proyek perluasan Masjidil Haram baru.
Abdul Muhsin Bin Humaid, direktur proyek, mengatakan proyek baru akan selesai dalam satu tahun setengah.

 Menurut sumber-sumber informasi, luas total dari Masjid Haram yang ada 356.000 persegi meter menampung 770.000 jamaah sedangkan ekspansi baru seluas 456.000 persegi meter akan menampung 1,2 juta.

Proyek baru akan terdiri dari tiga bagian: pembangunan gedung baru, perluasan dan pengembangan halaman sekitar masjid, termasuk trotoar, terowongan dan toilet, dan pengembangan fasilitas layanan untuk AC, listrik dan air minum.

Sebuah terowongan 1.200 meter akan dibangun dari ujung ekspansi melewati Jabal Hindi sementara yang lain terowongan dengan panjang 1.100 meter akan dibangun di bawah Jabal Madafie. Darurat 700 meter terowongan melintasi dua terowongan lainnya akan dibangun dari Jabal Al-Ka'bah.

 Raja Abdullah juga meresmikan Makkah Clock Tower, dianggap terbesar di dunia; Waktu Makkah, yang Masa'a baru diperluas (program berlari kecil antara Safa dan Marwa); Raja Abdul Aziz menara abadi; Jembatan Jamrat kompleks di Mina, dan Mashair Kereta Api menghubungkan tempat-tempat suci di Mina, Arafah dan Muzdalifa serta kacamata di sekitar Masjid Nabawi di Madinah dengan menekan tombol.

Walikota Makkah Osama Al-Bar mengatakan proyek-proyek baru yang diluncurkan oleh Raja Abdullah akan meningkatkan bisnis di Makkah dan membantu kota suci menarik investasi baru senilai SR100 miliar.

"Setiap SR1 miliar dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah akan mendorong sektor swasta untuk menginvestasikan SR5 tambahan miliar cara ini investasi publik akan memiliki efek ganda pada perekonomian.," Kata walikota.

Nawaf Al-Jowharji, seorang anggota Dewan Provinsi Makkah, menggambarkan Raja Abdul Aziz endowmen menara sebagai salah satu proyek real estate terbesar di Kerajaan, menambahkan bahwa hal itu akan membantu menampung sekitar 50.000 peziarah dan pengunjung.

Ekonom Aabid Al-Abdali Umm Al-Qura University mengatakan pengeluaran SR40 miliar, yang diberikan kepada pemilik properti real estate dialokasikan untuk proyek perluasan, akan memicu ledakan ekonomi belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya di kota suci.

Dia memperkirakan produk domestik bruto Mekah di SR123 miliar. "Volume belanja pada proyek-proyek Makkah sama dengan satu sepertiga dari seluruh ekonomi," jelasnya. Dia mengatakan efek beberapa pengeluaran pemerintah dalam proyek-proyek baru akan menghasilkan SR133 miliar.

Maher Jamal, anggota dari Kamar Mekah Dagang dan Industri, berbicara tentang peningkatan arus investasi ke Mekah, terutama dari Saudi. Dia memperkirakan total investasi dalam proyek-proyek pembangunan yang sedang berlangsung di Makkah di SR100 miliar.

Yousuf Al-Ahmadi, Direktur Pengembangan Perusahaan Afkar, menggarisbawahi upaya Raja Abdullah untuk pengembangan dua masjid suci dan kesejahteraan peziarah. "Pembangunan dua masjid suci agenda utama raja," katanya kepada Arab News.


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